Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His mercy endures forever.
On Saturday, 3/1/25,
Shanelle (Santander via phone) prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Brittany S. (transported to the hospital) and Susan (Macy’s) prayed to the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 2/28/25. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Sherrie F., Laurie S., and Chad prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Michelle C., Bethany W., Karena V., and William Sh, all prayed the sinner’s prayer on Tuesday, 2/25/25. Please pray for them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Jordan S., Daniel M., each prayed the sinner’s prayer on Saturday, 2/22/25. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Ethan G. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Tuesday, 2/18/25. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Deidre D. prayed the
sinner’s on Tuesday, 2/18/25. Marcus J., Jennifer G., both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 2/19/25. Please for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Robin F. and Douglas M. (although struggling with belief) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 2/14/25. On Saturday, 2/15/25, Hadina prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Amanda W. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 2/12/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Vladimir M.,
Rafael C., Thomas W., Cerrie E., Kyle G., and Joyce all prayed the same prayer on Tuesday, 2/11/25. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
William A. and Philip S. (electrical worker)
both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Saturday: 2/8/25. Please pray for each of them to love you and serve God wholeheartedly.
Michael N. and
Lataisha H. both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 2/5/25. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Stephanie W. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Tuesday, 2/4/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God whole.
Krystie F. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Thursday, 1/30/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Ari, Wanita (again), Amanda and Cindy (Netflix employee) each prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly. Also, pray for each of them to be drug free and for Ari to get custody of her daughter.
Paul, the mechanic at Neponset Circle, prayed the sinner’s on Monday, 1/27/25. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Christian C. and Moriah B., Rene P., and Claude M. all prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 1/24/25. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Metika J. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Thursday, 1/23/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Christopher F. and Derek M. (Bradston and S. B. Collaborative) prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Wednesday, 1/22/25. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Richard (Transitions/Kroc Center) prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Tuesday, 1/21/25. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Janet J. prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Tuesday, 1/21/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Wanita H. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 1/17/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Caitlin M. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Thursday, 1/16/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Donald M. and Ricardo Z. both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 1/15/25. Please pray for esch them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Alisa prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Monday, 1/13/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Wednesday, 1/8/25, Timothy W. prayed the sinner’s prayer. Lasette G. prayed the sinner’s prayer with more clarity and better understanding than she did before. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Robert B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Tuesday, 1/7/25. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Robert T. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 1/3/25. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Crystal (BestBuy re: stove) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Thursday, 1/2/25. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Gilbert K. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Saturday, December 28th, 2024. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Aroldo R. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, December 25th, Christmas Day, 2024. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Michael M. and John B. both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Saturday, 12/21/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Michael M. and John B. both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Saturday, 12/21/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 12/15/24, Laura, James and Tammy, JR and Daniella, Kelly and a lady, Jesus, Brian, Mike, Lina, Antonio, a man, Edgar, Dillon, and Mike all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Janice prayed the sinner’s prayer on Monday, 12/9/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 12/8/24, Jonathan, Alison, a man, Jose and Eddie, Efrain, another man, Jerry, Thomas, John, Stephanie, Jimmy,
David, a man, Eddie, Linc, a man, a woman, Mike, Corey, Desiree, Jessica, Mike, and Mike all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J (also, for one of the other times, she was not credited for making the P and J).
Jenae (BWSC) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 12/6/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Kristan A. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 12/4/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 12/1/24, James, Jeffrey, Russell, Sidney, Michael, Juan, Lica, Nikki, Dan, Laura, Dan, Myer, Michael, Taff, Stevenson, Sean and Phillip all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Saturday 11/30/24, Chada H. (a lady), prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Edil L., Jose V. R., and Manuel prayed the sinner’s prayer on Tuesday, 11/26/24. Please pray them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Monday, 11/25/24, a lady on business line (she was at work) said that she agreed with me in the sinner’s prayer (although she prayed silently she did say amen out loud). Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 11/24/24, John, Mike, Walter, a man, Carlos, Tom, Chris, John, Taylor, a man, Eddie, Jesus, Rafael, Derrick and Frosty, Jose, a young lady and Abdul all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Thanks to D for making the P and!
Anthony C. (in program for addiction) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 11/22/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Edward K. (in program for addiction) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 11/20/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Neil M. (City Hall employee), prayed the sinner’s prayer on Monday, 11/18/24,
and Korrie P. (client graduated)
on Tuesday,
11/19/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 11/17/24,
Kelsey (a lady), Rebecca, Troy, Eric, Irene, a man, Bobby, Darryl (with needle in hand for drugs), Carlos, John, Paris (a man), Terry,
Isaac, Chris,Richard,
Russell, and a lady
all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 11/10/24, Danielle, Liddell, Tommy, Brian, Chris, Androne, David, Jasmine, a man, another man, Jeff and Roz, Kevin, Efrain, Michael, George, Rosa, Kate said she didn’t believe but did pray on the basis, “If you are real.”), Carlos, and Everen (a man) all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Michael H. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Saturday, 11/9/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Goraime prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Tuesday, 11/5/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Also, I voted!
On Sunday, 11/3/24, Ashley, Bernard and Christina, Travis, a man and a lady, Adam, Steven, John, Mike and Chris (a lady), Jay, Christopher, Theo, Walter, James, John, Edward, Jamie and Long (Vietnamese man), Lenny (not sure of name, apparently Vietnamese man), Jaime, Joe and 2 ladies, all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Vaughn M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Saturday, 11/2/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Sean O., James B., on Tuesday, 10/29/24, while Jason St and Mymie (CVS) on Wednesday, 10/30/24,
all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 10/27/24, Fabian, Alisa, Damian, Hannibal, Henry, a man, Jonathan, Breanna, Jonathan, Kyle, Amed, Alan, Chris, Ricky, Mikia, Sean and Sean, Fernando, Jasmine, Abdul, Jonathan, Dan, Justin, Irvin, and Toni, all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Janelly L. and Sherrie F. received Christ into their hearts on Friday, 10/25/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Jessie prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Saturday, 10/26/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly, to be freed from drug use, and with beautiful place to live.
Kenneth B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Thursday, 10/24/24. Please pray for him to love and serve wholeheartedly.
Rafael C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Wednesday, 10/23/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Eric D.prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Wednesday, 10/23/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
William (works at Home Depot – military veteran) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Tuesday, 10/22/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Yaneiry and Vaneisi (at TJ Maxx) both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Monday, 10/21/24. Please pray for each them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 10/20/24, Scott (again), John, Joseph, and a lady, Malik, Joe, Katie, and Bernard, Hector, Rosalyn, Doreen and a man (silently), Paul, Katou (a man – not sure about the spelling), a man, Fabian, Ed, Antilon (a man – not sure about the spelling), Paul, Tina, Jamaal, David, Alphonze, Angel, Desiree, Renee, Jack, Jason, Nikki, and a lady, all prayed to receive Christ into their lives. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Angel prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Saturday, 10/19/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Rupert and George prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Monday, 10/14/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Erin prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Monday, 10/14/24 (she had previously been unwilling to, even referring to herself as a witch) Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Jim (sitting on the sidewalk with a sign begging for money) in the Fanuel Hall area, also Mathilde and Monique (in the parking lot at Fanurl Hall) each prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Monday, 10/14/24.
Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Kayla, Joseph, Heather,
Michael, Amy, Carlton, Douglas, Dave, Nate, John, Taylor (a lady) and Nalto (a man), Brittney, Juan, Jennifer, Ralphie, Jimmy, Humberto, Barry, Jacob, a man, Tyson, Mike, and Edward all prayed the sinner’s prayer on Sunday, 10/13/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Lauryn P., Daniel M., Eric M., and Melanie (works at Wendy’s) all prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 10/9/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Kate (librarian) prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Tuesday, 10/8/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Ashley prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Monday, 10/7/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Scott, Emmanuel, Liam, Emmanuel, Tommy, Nika, Eric, Jesus, Brendan, a young man, Anthony, Renee, a man Emma, Meggan, Floyd, Corrin, Jacob, Edgar, Daniel, Mike and John all prayed the sinner’s prayer on Sunday, October, 10th. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Kimthy U. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Friday, 10/4/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Rodrigo, contractor, prayed to receive Christ into his heart on 9/30/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Jessica, Christopher, Jose, Eric, Michael, Luis, Giuseppe, Jose, John, Edgar, Troy, Michael, Jazz, Rob, Sal, Hector, Mike, Luis, Edwin, Eddie, Angel, Edwin, John, Elizabeth, Abdul, Lonnie, and Joseph all prayed the sinner’s prayer on Sunday, 9/29/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Megan (Home Depot employee and former client) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Saturday, 9/28/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
B (a lady) and Elaine accepted Jesus the into their hearts on Friday, 9/27/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Mary, on 9/23/24, (City Hall, via phone) prayed to receive Christ into her heart. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 9/22/24, Manuel, Irving, Jennifer, Carlos, Nisiah, Abdul, … “David,” Sidney, Joseph and David, Russell, Julio, Mitchell, Justin, Cedric and Theodore, Hernando (sp? Not sure – but he did pray), another Hernando, a lady, Jasmine, and GiGi, another Jasmine, Shaylo (a man), all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Camile accepted Christ into her heart on Tuesday, 9/3/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Dillon, Christopher,
Renee, Frank,
Jennifer, Juan,. Ismael,
Gi Gi, Jose, Vaughn,
Sarah, A man connected with the Hope House in some way), Jose, Luis,
and Hector prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Kine (young lady, works for UPS) prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Friday, 8/23/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Derek M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Thursday, 8/22/24. Please pray for him to be set free every form of drugs forever. Pray also for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Timothy C. prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for him to remain sober. Olgy (young lady – works at Target) also prayed the sinner’s prayer, both on Tuesday, 8/20/24. Please pray for both of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Crystal (in the program) prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Tuesday, 8/13/24. Please pray for her to be set free from drugs and to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Michael Mc prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 8/10/24. Please pray for him to be delivered from drugs and to love and serve God whole.
Paul and Derrick (program) each prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Saturday, 8/10/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Mona accepted Christ into her heart on Friday, 8/9/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Andrea R. and Helen S. both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Friday 8/9/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly and delivered from drugs.
Michelle (nurse, BMC) prayed the sinner’s prayer on Thursday, 8/8/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Miguel (at Transitions) prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Saturday, 8/3/24. Please pray for him to truly love God and obey him wholeheartedly.
Briana T., Awilda, and
Marisa all prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Friday, 8/2/24. Please pray for each of them to be set free from drugs and for them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Arlene and Norman prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Wednesday, 7/31/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Trae (not his full name – employed at Home Depot) prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Monday, 7/29/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Hassan (at Toyota) prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Monday, 7/29/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Tyrone S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:16 A. M. on Saturday, 7/20/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Gerber B. and Elieser A. B both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Tuesday, 7/23/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Patrick S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:40 A. M. on Friday, 7/26/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Tyrone S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:16 A. M. on Saturday, 7/20/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 7/14/24,
Monica, Teague,
2 Hispanic gentlemen,
Krista and Eddie,
Rafael, Tony
Ragaeloo (sp? – a man),
Sarah again, Koopa (sp?) another man,
Rudy again, Judy,
Blanca, Chad, a lady,
Irene, Tina, Joseph,
Dwayne, Arianna, and
Corey (a man), all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Victor (outside of Home Depot looking for work) and Bryan (Home Depot employee) outside working, both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Mario P. prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 2:30 P. M. on Thursday, 7/4/24.
Please pray for him to remain drug free and to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Marie L. and James G. both prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 7/3/24. Please pray for each of them love and to serve God wholeheartedly and to be set free from drugs.
Cassidy prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 7:25 P. M. on Monday, 7/1/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 6/30/24, Lindsey, Kamil (man), Michael and Daniel, Patrick, Tammy, Patrick and Rosalie, Alisia, a lady, Joey, Gregory, Tim,
Blare (man), Ron and Nicolas and another man, Heather, Elvis, a lady, Ismael, Jaz (not sure of spelling), Laura, and Alex, Luis, and another man, all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to be set free from drugs and to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Shila prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 7:10 P. M. (Dollar Tree) on Saturday 6/29/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Christopher and Rebecca prayed to receive Christ into their hearts (outside of Walmart) at approximately 6:30 P. M. on Friday, 6/28/24. Please pray for them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Jonathan N. (graduated today)) prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Wednesday, 6/26/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 6/23/24,
Jeremy (set him free from drugs), Francis,
Christopher, Jen, Alisha, Rob, Brian, John, Jay, Brianna, Sarah, Odair, Eugene, Gabriel, A lady, Antonio, John, Genesis, and Rada (a lady) all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Christopher K. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 9:30 A. M. on Saturday, 6/22/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Sidney (a lady at City Hall) prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 2:32 P. M. on Monday, 6/17/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God with all of her heart.
On Sunday, 6/16/24, Steve, Alex, Rebecca
Roberto, Jimmy, Tyrone, 2 other men, Jenay, Justin, Jamie, Renard, Connie, Meaghan, Calvin, Louis, Jose, Jeanette, 2 other man, Billy, 2 more men, Laura, Martie, and Jenay, Frederico Kevin, and a lady, and a man along with 4 ladies, Chris, Amanda, Jake, Richard, Faisal, and Jeffrey all prayed to
receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J Devin!
Rudy prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:30 A. M. on Thursday, 6/13/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Timothy C. and Jonathon F. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Wednesday, 6/12/24 at approximately 11:30 A. M. and 2:00 P. M., respectively. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Christina prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 5:15 PM on Tuesday 6 11 24. Please pray for her to love and serve god whole heartedly.
Brittany H. and Jillian K. both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Tuesday, 6/11/24 between 10:30 and 11:30 A. M. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 6/0/24, Russell, Chris, Steve, Joey, GG, Jeanette, Shay, Sheldon, Lucas, Tommy, Rebecca, Freddy, Tasha, Emmanuel, and Jose, all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J sandwiches!
James D. and Patrick G. both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Saturday, 6/8/24. Please pray each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Nicole B., Nicole M., Melissa W., and Terry T. all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Elise prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 8:10 P. M. on Monday, 6/3/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 6/2/24, Breanna, Christopher,
Joshua, Brett, Martin,
Tyrone, Tony,
3 men together,
Jesus, Stephanie,
Storm, Nica, Jose,
Brandon, A man, Mark,
Robert, Rosalyn,
Courtney and Chris (a lady), Rachel, Gee (a man), Mark, A man, and
Andrea all prayed to accept Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J sandwiches!
Jermaine R. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:15 P. M. on Saturday, 6/1/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Sage T. (a lady) prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 1:00 P. M. on Friday, 5/24/24, and James G. at approximately 12:30, on
Saturday, 5/25/24. Ramon M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Saturday, 5/25/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Between the approximate hours of 4:00 P. M. and 5:00 P. M., on Thursday, 5/23/24, Ronny (mechanic) and Rose (taxi driver) prayed to receive into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Timothy (AAA) prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:45 P. M. on Tuesday, 5/21/24. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Isaydra prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 9:30 P. M. on Friday, 6/17/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God with all of her heart.
Julio prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 5:14 P. M. on Tuesday, 5/14/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Salmon and Sarita prayed the sinner’s prayer on Sunday, 5/12/24 (Mother’s Day). Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Anna and her mother inlaw prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 5:45 P. M. on Saturday, 5/11/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 5/5/24, Phillip, James,
Lauren, Louis, John,
Peter, Sean, a man,
Jose, Erin, Carmelo,
Scott, Kaley, Herberto, Misty, Janelle, Paris(a man), Sean, Lexus, and Mohanda(a man) each prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J sandwiches!
Adriano R. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. and Matthew K. at approximately 1:30 P. M., both on Thursday, 5/2/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 4/28/24, Jim, Sherlyn, Kyle, Joey, Emily, John, Deuce, Andrew, Edward, Manny, Aaron, Melissa (and) Carlos, Christopher, Jordan, Jasmine, John(?), Valima, Kevin, Brandon (alternate lifestyle), Jordan, Patricia, Kevin (and) Patricia, Kevin (and) Brian all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Friday, 4/26/24, at approximately 11:15 A. M., Brendan S. prayed to receive the Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Amy prayed to receive the into her heart at approximately 4:40 P. M. on Monday, 4/22/24. Please pray for her to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 4/21/24, Jeremy (he had prayed before), John, Jose (he had prayed before), Kenneth and Halle (a man), Angel, Brian, Derrick, Lamonzo, Tony, Tony, Lori, Julio, Alisha, Paul,
John (?), Mike, Jordan, Corrine, Carmelo (prayed before), Lam (former client), and Katie (bless her with a beautiful place to live and to get custody of her children), all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J sandwiches!
Matthew K. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 11:00 A. M. on Friday, 4/18/24, Gina D., on Saturday, 4/20/24 at approximately 11:00 A. M., and Lisa F., 4/20/24 at approximately 2:00 P. M. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Jason (tax preparer) prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 8:15 P. M. on Wednesday, 4/17/24. Please pray for him to genuinely serve God.
Robert and Brian prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 3:30 P. M. on Tuesday, 4/16/24. Please pray for these men to grow continually in their relationships with God.
In less than 2 hours and 10 minutes, the following people prayed to accept Christ into their hearts, John, Sean, Joel, Jenna, John, Kerrin, Christiana, Skivenson,
A man dressed like a lady, Starling, Sebastian (female mannerisms), T, Jimmy, Sarah, Juan, Carlton, Chris, Kevin, Edwin, William, Philip, Brandon, Edgar, Carlin, Steven, and Chris. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for the P and J sandwiches!
Hector Q. prayed to receive Christ into his heart several days ago during w/e 4/7/24, Danielle N. on 3/15/24, Loriann at approximately
2:00 P. M. on Saturday, 4/13/24, and Amanda H. on Saturday, 4/13/24, at approximately 4:00 P. M. Please pray for each of them to love God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Brandon, Steve, Laura, and David all prayed the sinner’s prayer on Tuesday, 4/9/24 somewhere from the approximate hours of 10:00 A. M. and 2:00 P. M. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Bobby, Brian, Donna,
Diaz, Randy, Stan,
Kenny, Antonio,
Rolando, Elijah, Jesus, Billy,
Jose (was in treatment before for drug addition), Erin,
Phoenix,Tanya, Luz,
Monet, Jake, John,
and Laura all prayed to receive Christ into hearts on Sunday, 4/7/24. Please pray for them to become more and more intimate with God and to serve him wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J sandwiches.
Not one thing done for the Lord goes unrewarded.
Kathleen B. prayed to receive Christ into her at approximately 11:00 A. M., Robert at approximately 12 P. M., and Erica (Evie) C. at approximately 2:15 P. M., all on Saturday, 4/6/24. Please pray for each of them love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Shawn (construction/labor type worker) prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:50 P. M. on Friday, 4/5/24. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Kathy H. and Florence G. prayed to receive Christ and their hearts at approximately 2:30 P. M. on Wednesday, 4/3/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Douglas N. prayed the sinner’s prayer on Tuesday, 4/ 2/24 at approximately 10:00 A. M. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship God.
Mirabel prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:03 P.M. on Saturday, 3/30/24. Please pray for her to grow continually in her life with God.
On Resurrection Sunday, 3/31/24, Arthur, Kaitlyn,
Charles, Regina,
Brian, Angel, Arthur,
Michael, Joey, Amber, Jeremy,
Roxanne, Britney,
Ashley, Ken, David
Charlie, Christina,
Christopher, Joel, and Saincois prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for making P and J sandwiches!
Katrisa B. Prayed to receive Christ into her at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Friday 3/29/24. April S. prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 2:00 P. M. on 3/29/24. Please pray for both of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Bridget W. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Tuesday, 3/26/24. Edgar B. prayed to receive Christ into heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Wednesday, 3/27/24. Please pray for them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Dr. Kathryn H. Prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 12:00 P. M., Tania (SS Office) agreed with the sinner’s prayer at approximately 4:00 P. M., both on Monday, 3/25/24. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
More souls added into the Kingdom of God on 3/24/24, Dan, Michael Waldy, Carla, David,
Nancy, Shelley, Angel, Carmelo, Nicki (had prayed before), Rocco, Andrew,Tony A man,
Rick, Laura, Amber,
Leon, Michael, and
Jose. Please pray that they live lives fully committed to God.
Jose D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:17 A. M. on Saturday, 3/23/24. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Juan (construction) prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M., Marge, at approximately 6:00 P. M., Nancy, and
Sharlena prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 6:30 P. M., all on Friday, 2/22/24. Please pray for them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Bernadette M. prayed to receive the Christ into her heart on Thursday, 3/21/24, at approximately 11:00 A. M. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Shawn L. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:30 A. M. on Saturday, 3/16/24. On Sunday, 3/17/24,Scott, Kenny, Sarah,
Harry, Keystaf (spelling?), Antonio
“Life,” Daniel, Mara,
Andrea, Justin A man, Amber Jay Jay,
Michael and Nita prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly. Special thanks to D and Sonia for making the P and J sandwiches!
On Wednesday, 3/13/24 at at approximately 10:00 A. M., Karissa M. and Miguel M., both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Saturday, 3/9/24,
Loch Y. prayed to receive Christ into his heart, on Sunday, 3/10/24 Joseph, Michael, Malik,
Devin, Brian, Patrick,
Ashley, Mark, Chris,
Scott, Felix, Elie, Tim, Carlos, Deniro, Erin, Bobby, A man, and
Jacob each prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Debbie G. prayed to recommit her life to Christ at approximately 2:30 P. M. on Tuesday, 3/5/24. Please pray for her to live wholeheartedly for God.
On Sunday, 3/3/24 from approximately 2:25 P. M. to approximately 5:39 P. M. Javier, Lawrence, Ray, Raymond and Emmett, Nancy, Luke, Jen, Frank, Francis, Thomas and Michael, A man and his friend, Herberto, Terry, Dee, Jessica, Shelley, Emma and Phoenix, Derek, Jasmine, Rafael, Mike, and Chris all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Michael C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Saturday, 3/2/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 2/25/24, between the approximate times of 3:27 P. M. and 5:15 P. M. Brandon, John, Derrick, Ronny, Carl …, Juan, Carlos,
Trish, Isaiah, Ray,
Bo and Casey, Katie,
Mario, Summer (male), Dan, Joe,
Travis, Abraham,
Danielle, and Paul prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Leah F. prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 11:00 A. M. on Thursday, 2/22/24. Please pray for her to be in the center of God’s will for her life.
On Sunday, 2/18/24
between approximately the times of 2:47 and 4:25 P. M., Victor, Eddie, Carmelo, Dee, Jessica, Michael,
Michael and Jesse,
A man, Antonio
Collin, Evan, and another man, Carlton, John, Freddie, John, and and Gerald all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to live wholeheartedly for God.
Alli prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 4:55 P. M. on Saturday, 2/17/24. Please pray for her to grow in her relationship with God continually.
At approximately 11:00 A. M., on Friday, 2/16/24, Jason O. prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to be right in the center of God’s will for his life.
On Friday, 2/16/24, at approximately 9:40 A. M., Jamie C. prayed to accept Jesus into her heart. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Michael D. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 7:30 A. M. on Tuesday, 2/13/24. Please pray for him to get continually closer to God.
Jenna prayed to accept Christ into her heart at approximately 4:25 P. M. on Monday, 2/12/24. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
From approximately 2:45 P. M. to 3:50 P. M. on Sunday, 2/11/24, the following people prayed the sinner’s prayer.
Rachel (not sure of biollogical makeup), Kenny, Daryl, Steven, Will,
Puggie (a man),
Pat, Thomas, Rico,
Ashley, Tyrone, and
Thomas, and Nancy,
Gary, Markie, Britney,
Kenneth, Divon,
Cinnie (a man),
and lastly, Keyetta. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Sean W. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A. M. and Jerry B. at approximately 9:00 A. M. on Saturday, 2/10/24. Please pray for them to love and follow God with all of their heart(s).
Amanda O’B. prayed to accept Christ into her heart at approximately 11:15 A. M., and Stephen S. at approximately 2:00 P. M., both on Thursday, 2/8/24. Please pray for them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Amanda M. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Tuesday, 2/6/24. Please pray for her live genuinely for God forever.
Great morning to you!
Beth and Joshua (didn’t pray out loud), Sean and Will, Mara, Michael, Jeremy, Tatiana, Sean, Azaria, Jose, Christopher, Sean, Michael, Lex (a lady), Toni, Elias (not able to speak English well but did make an effort), and Carlos, prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Frankie B. prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 8:30 A. M. on Wednesday, 1/31/24. Please pray for him to get to know God better and better and love and follow him with all of his heart.
From approximately 1:40 P. M. to approximately 3:00 P. M. on Sunday, 1/28/24 Felicia, Jose, Christopher, Amber, Loren, Douglas, Jose, Thomas, Richie, Sean, Mike, Chris (a lady), Jeremy, Antonio (could not understand English well at all but sermed to be somewhat in harmony) John and a man who said that he agreed with the sinner’s prayer when it was prayed each prayed or agreed with the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
My goal is to win every soul.
Quentin prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:20 A. M. on Sunday, 1/28/24. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Delilah prayed the sinner’s prayer on Friday, 1/26/24, at approximately 6:25 P. M. Please pray for her to truly follow God with all of her heart.
On Sunday 1/31/24, from approximately 1:47 P. M. to approximately 2:33 P. M., Alisa,
Travis and another man, Kevin, Roy and Cindy, Carla, Greg,
Mr. Tony, Carlos,
Hector, Lauren and Ashley, Michael,
Marc, (also, 2 men (seemed to be pleased while I prayed – not sure of their language – pray that they have completd salvation )
Kristen, Schneider and Vladimir, Xavier, and John accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Please pray for them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Gregg K. accepted Jesus into his heart at approximately 10:00A. M. Albert F. at approximately 9:45 A. M., and Bill accepted Jesus into his heart at approximately 5:45 P. M., each on Saturday, 1/20/24. Please pray for these men to be committed to God forever.
John E. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Thursday, 1/28/24. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Amanda O. prayed to receive the Christ into her heart at 9:10 A. M. on Wednesday, 1/10/24. Please pray for her to be right in the center of God’s will for her life.
Elijah W. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Tuesday, 1/2/24. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Benjamin F. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:00 A. M. on Saturday, 12/30/23. Please pray for him to be on fire for Jesus and to remain drug free forever.
Mahad A. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 9:24 A. M. on Tuesday, 12/26/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Karen L. and Nancy M. each prayed the sinner’s prayer somewhere approximately between 12:00 and 1:00 P. M. on Friday, 12/22/23. Please pray for God’s Word to take root in their hearts so they walk with the fire of Holy Spirit.
Ken – drick is a man who has gone as a woman for quite a while prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for him to love and serve God with all of his heart and be baptized in the Holy Spirit and with fire. Pray that God will use him to win so many people to Christ.
It is currently 3:38 P. M. On Sunday, 12/17/24, in about an hour’s time, Trish and Sean, a man, Bryanna and Vicki,
Patricia, Kerry,
Darryl and his wife
Jacie, Keith, Michael, Mario, Gene
Blaire, Michael, Felix, and Daniel all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to live for God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for the P and J sandwiches!
Manuel (Manny) D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Friday, 12/15/23, at approximately 10:45 A. M. Please pray for him to grow in his relationship with God continually.
On 12/14/23, Jessica M. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 4:40 P. M. Please pray for her to love and follow God forever.
Kerena V. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 12:00 P. M.,
Stephanie B. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 1:00 P. M. both on Wednesday, 12/12/23. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
In a time frame of approximately 40 minutes starting 4:21 P. M. on Sunday, 12/10/23,
Jayme, David Tr (sp?), David Claressa(not clear on name), Mark
Daniel, George,
Steven and
Brian and Jose, Mark
Ader (squeezed my hand so tight, even came tears, and
Justin, all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to live holy lives, pleasing to the Lord.
Special thanks to D and Sonia for making the P and J sandwiches!
Clayton M. prayed accept into his heart at approximately 3:45 P. M. on Saturday, 12/9/23. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Jamie H., at approximately 8:00 A. M. on Thursday, 8/7/23, prayed to receive Christ into her heart. Please pray for her to love and follow God with all of her heart.
Bonnie K. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 1:20 P. M. on Wednesday, 12/6/23. Please pray for her serve God wholeheartedly.
Juan (limited english – prayed as best he could) to receive Christ, Joshua, James, Joseph, Katy,
and John (again) prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray that they they truly live for Jesus.
Lauren A., Meaghan M., Jismel M., and other folk prayed to receive Christ into their hearts somewhere between Tuesday, 11/30/23 and Friday, 12/1/23. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
From approximately 4:24 P. M. to 4:49 P. M.’ Rachel, Krystal, and Milc (a man doing drugs at the point of intervention), Andrew’ Nikki, Jackie, Jimmy, William, and Abdul each prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to be in the center of God’s will for their lives.
Derek B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Saturday, 11/25/23. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Christopher D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Wednesday 11/22/23, Jamaal P. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on 11/23/23 at approximately 8:35 A. M., (Thanksgiving Day). Please pray for each of them to love and follow God with all of their hearts.
Between the approximate times of 2:45 P. M. and 4:26 P. M. Adam, Kevin and julie, Juan, Jeffrey, Matthew,
Henry, Jay, Kristin, Jose, Joseph, Mar (a man sp?), Pedro, a man, Linda, Steven, Jeremy, John, and
Krista received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Please pray for each of them to be right in the Lord of God’s will for their lives. Special thanks to D for making P and J sandwiches for them.
Ken prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:48 A. M. on Sunday, 11/29/23. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Brian M. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A. M. and Meaghan R. at approximately 9: A. M., both on Saturday, 11/18/23. Please pray for each of them to follow God wholeheartedly.
Devon S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:00 A. M., on Thursday, 11/16/23. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Noelle L. prayed to accept Christ in her heart on Tuesday, 11/14/23 at approximately 10:00 A. M., Stephanie D. prayed to accept Christ into her heart on Wednesday, 11/15/23, at approximately 11:00 A. M. please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Approximately between 2:55 P. M. and 4:15 P. M., on Sunday, 11/15/23, Jazz, Timmy, Tony,
Jimmy and Jessie (a lady), Bryan and
Joseph, Anthony, Jose and His friend, Mary, Kenny and a lady, Bre, Eber and his friend (couldn’t speak much english so I’m not sure if he fully understood),
Man (hispanic couldn’t speak much english), Steven,
Scott, Melissa and April all prayed to receive Christ. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Kenneth L. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:00 A. M. on Thursday, 11/9/23. Please pray for him to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Timothy, the oil tech, prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:01 P. M. on Monday, 10/6/23. Please pray for him to love and serve God with all of his heart.
From approximately on Sunday 12/5/23 from approximately
2:30 P. M. to 3:45 P. M., Oliver, Christopher, Juan, William, John,
Tammy, Joshua, Caleb, Patrick, Teague, Joseph, Ryan and Anna and Kevin, Kate, Kerri,
Fernando, Laura,
Russell, Jeremy,
Junior, Mary Beth,
Patricia, and John all prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to love and follow God forever.
On Sunday, 11/5/23, Janine, in the Bahamas, via phone, prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:07
A. M. eastern time. Please pray for her to love and follow God with all of her heart.
Krista Mc prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Saturday, 11/3/23, at approximately 1:35 P. M. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
Matthew R. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M., on Friday, 11/3/23. Please pray for him to grow in his relationship with God continually.
Carlton S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:15 A. M. and Avedis V. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P. M., both on Tuesday, 10/31/23. Please pray for each of these men live wholeheartedly for God.
Eric D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:30 A. M., Carla T. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 10:00 P. M., both on Wednesday, 10/25/23. Please pray for each of them to follow God with all of their hearts.
On Sunday, 10/22/23, between 2:55 P. M. and 3:57 P. M., J,.D., Ryan, and Erin, Trarelda (sp?), Julian, Christopher (said he was a jehovahs witness),
Kristen and a man,
Michael, John,
Roberto, a man,
Christopher and Sean, Marquis, Jason and Jason, Adam, Daniel,
Daniel, and Miguel,
Louis, a person who gave the name of Princess, Jackie,
Jamien, a man,
Philip and Damien all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Katelynn B. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 12:30 P. M. on Friday, 10/20/21. Please pray for her love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Between approximately 3:15 P. M. and 4:30 P. M. on Sunday, 10/15/23,
Daisey, Stephen,
Valerie, Walter, a man, Joanne, another man, Todd and Lewis, Charles, John, Lafeyette, Lam, Luke, Mercefes, Katrina, Terrell, Patrick, Michael and David, prayed to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. Please pray for each of them to follow God with all of their hearts.
Julie G. and Iliana M. Both prayed at approximately 1:05 and 1:10 P. M., respectively, on Friday, 10/13/23 to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of these ladies to serve God wholeheartedly.
Nelloue F. prayed to receive Jesus into her heart at approximately 3:10 P. M. on Wednesday, 10/11/23. Please pray for her to lose and live her entire life in Christ. “For whoever wishes to save his life [in this world] will [eventually] lose it [through death], but whoever loses his life [in this world] for My sake will find it [that is, life with Me for all eternity]”
(Matthew 16:25 AMP).
Starting at approximately 4:35 P. M. On Sunday, 10/8/23, Haviland, John, Winegar,
Kevin, Lenny, Joanne
Peter, Patrick, Odair
Anna, Michael,
Daniel, Lloyd, and another man, all within an hour, prayed receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to follow God with all of their hearts.
Scott accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 5:00 P. M. on Saturday, 10/7/23. Please pray for him to serve God wholeheartedly.
Timothy T. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 9:46 A. M. on Thursday, 10/5/23.
Justin B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on 10/5/23.
Please pray for both of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Alisha T. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Wednesday 10/4/23. Please pray for her to follow God wholeheartedly.
On Sunday, 9/24/23, Ramone prayed after me to accept Christ Jesus as Lord of his life. Please pray for him to live out the rest of his life in Christ.
Courtney K. and Cynthia M. both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 4:30 P. M. on Saturday, 9/23/23. Please pray for each them to serve God wholeheartedly.
At approximately 12:45 P. M., on Saturday, 9/23/23, Robert prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to love and follow God with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength.
On Sunday, 9/27/23 approximately between 1:30 P. M. and 22:26 P. M. the following people prayed to accept Jesus into their hearts: James, Arianna, Mark, Israel, Daniel, Jose, Pudgie, (person), Michael, William, David and Cassie, Jesus (could not speak English), Peter, Hector, Daniel (jumped right in on the prayer while I was praying with Daniel- PraiseGod!), James (was dressed as a lady), Marcos, Stephanie, Naomi, and Jazz. Please pray for each of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Antonio S. accepted Jesus into his heart at approximately 11:15 A. M., on Saturday, 9/16/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Ellie prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 3:45 P. M., on Saturday, 9/9/23. Please pray for her to love and follow God with all of her heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Nicholas A. received Jesus into his heart at the 11:15 A. M., James T. accepted Christ into his heart at 12:15 P. M., both on Saturday, 9/9/23. Please pray for both of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Errol M. accepted Jesus into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Friday, 9/8/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Kasandra M. prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Tuesday at approximately 10:00 A. M., 9/5/23,
John A. at approximately 11:45 A. M., on Thursday 9/7/23, and Amanda at approximately 1:25 P. M., on Thursday, 9/7/23. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Sharon prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 4:00 P. M. on Sunday, 9/3/23. Please pray for her to have the same mind as Christ and to share God’s love with everyone she comes into contact with.
Between the approximate times of 2:52 P. M. and 3:40 P. M. on Sunday, 9/3/23,
Maria, Andrew, Chris, Jeremy
Scoobadah (sp?),
Joshua, Alia,
John V., Jazz,
Mary Beth, Soon (sp?), Hung, Steven,
Ema, and Luas prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Hans, while working for outside contractor delivering coca cola products in Walmart, on 9/1/23, prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to follow God wholeheartedly.
Rony prayed to accept Christ in his heart at approximately the 3:30 P. M. on Thursday, 8/31/23. Please pray for him to serve God wholeheartedly.
The most important thing we can do is lead others into a personal relationship with God.
Secondly, today is 8/31. Romans 8:31
What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect?
On Monday, 8/28/23, at approximately 8:45 P. M., Lisa (worker at Home Depot) prayed to receive Christ into her heart. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
From approximately 2:00 P. M. to 2:42 P. M. on Sunday, 8/27/23, the following people prayed to accept Christ into their hearts. Greg, Henry, Ryan, Henry, TJ, Matthew, Chris, Mark, Marsha, Amber, Lieka, Sean,
Daisy, Rafael, Michael, Jason, Chris and Rebecca, Jose, and Ramone. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Kathryn prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 7:24 P. M. on Wednesday, 8/23/23. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of her heart.
Adriano and Manny prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 1:50 P. M. on Monday, 8/21/23. Please pray for each of them to follow God wholeheartedly.
Laura and Kristen prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 4:05 P. M. on Saturday, 8/19/23. Please pray for them to love and follow God all the days of their lives.
Peter C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Tuesday, 8/15/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Between approximately 2:22 P. M. and 3:22 P. M. On Sunday, 8/13/23,
A man
2 other people
Hilton, Sean, Jose,
Jasmin, 2 other men and a lady, Norman, and Andrew (said that he was already saved, homeless) all prayed the sinner’s prayer. Please pray for each of them to live holy lives unto God.
Special thanks to D for the p & j sandwiches!
Anthony F. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at 1:00 P. M., Eric C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at 4:15 P. M. and Joey accepted Jesus into his heart at approximately 6:00 P. M., all on Friday, 8/11/23. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Thomas V. accepted a into his heart at the 9:00 A. M. on Tuesday, 8/8/23. Please pray for him to love and serve God with all of his heart.
Cis a (spelling?),
Daniel, Chauncey and Juan, Randy,
Cody, Steven, Dylan,
John, Edwin, Kenneth, Raymond
Jackie, Scott, Alan,
Shanika, Jesse, and
Ken, all prayed to receive Jesus into their hearts between the approximate times of 2:27 P. M. and 3:12 P. M. on Sunday, 8/6/23. Please pray for them to love and serve God with all of their hearts, souls, minds, and strength.
Special thanks to D for making the p & j sandwiches!
Kasiira prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 8:00 P. M. on Saturday, 8/5/23. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Enrico accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 11:55 A. M. on Saturday, 8/5/23. Please pray for him to grow in his relationship with God continually.
Kevin prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 5:15 P. M. on Monday, 7/30/23. Please pray for him to follow God wholeheartedly
Corie and J
Patricia Ann
Eric all prayed for his Christ into their hearts between approximately 3:00 P. M. and 3:47 P. M. on Sunday, 7/30/23. Please pray for each of them to live for God.
Special thanks to D for making the P and J sandwiches.
Diana and Tara accepted Jesus into their hearts at approximately 9:59 A. M. on Sunday, 7/30/23. Please pray for them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Eric C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Thursday, 7/27/23. Please pray for him to love and serve God with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength.
WILTON prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:51 P. M. and William 5:17 P. M., both on Thursday, 7/27/23. Please pray for each them to love and serve God wholeheartedly.
Reynaldo prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:30 A. M. on Saturday, 7/22/23, Mitzi prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Tuesday, 7/26/23 at approximately 3:30 P. M. Please pray for both of them to follow God with all of their hearts.
Brian and Michelle accepted Christ into their hearts at approximately
2:17 P. M., Carlos at approximately
2:19 P. M., Darrell at approximately 2:24 P. M. Jose and at approximately
Jeffrey 2:30 P. M., John (giving out government electronic devices – made a deeper commitment)) at approximately 2:32 P. M., Heather at approximately 2:35 P. M., Christine at 2:36 P. M., Juan at approximately 2:43 P. M., Jessie at approximately 2:44 P. M., Toni at approximately 2:48 P. M., John at approximately 2:53 P. M., Diamond at approximately 2:57 P. M., Aiden and Iyoka at approximately 3:20 P. M. Sean, Dennis, and Kerri 3:24 P. M., all in Sunday, 7/23/23. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Special thanks for D for providing the p & j sandwiches.
Devon, Carmelo,
Marcus, Lucas,
Donnie, Alphonso,
Jay, Jessie, John,
Jackie, Jeremy, and other person accepted Jesus into their hearts today approximately between the hours 2:00 and 3:00 P. M. Please pray the them to love and follow God with all the their hearts.
Special thanks to D for making the P & J sandwiches!
Sebastian S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at the 8:00 A. M. on Thursday, 7/13/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
John A. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:15 P. M. on Wednesday,7/12/23. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Katia prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 12:00 P. M. on Monday 7/11/23. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of her heart.
Jose prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:00 P. M., Henry at approximately 3:05 P. M., Juan at approximately 3:07 P. M., Mara at approximately 3:10 P. M., Willis at approximately 3:13 P. M., Christopher at approximately 3:16 P. M., Mal (msle) at approximately 3:24 P. M., Jodie at approximately 3:30 P. M., and Jesus at approximately 3:33 P. M. all on Sunday, 7/9/23. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationship with God.
Special thanks to D for praying the p & j sandwiches!
Kenyeda N. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 1:35 P. M., James M. prayed to receive into his heart at approximately 2:05 P. M., both on Saturday, 7/8/23. Please pray for them to be on fire for Jesus forever.
Maggie (former coworker) prayed in Home Depot on Thursday, 7/6/23, at approximately 7:30 P. M. to accept Christ into her heart. Please pray for her to follow God wholeheartedly.
Alex F. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:55 A. M., Lens A. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:03 A. M., Aaron D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:00 A. M., and William (officer) prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:20 P. M., all on Thursday, 7/7/23. Please pray for each of them to follow God with all of their hearts.
Billy prayed to accept Jesus into his heart at approximately 2:20 P. M. on Sunday, 7/2/23, Nicholas and Brianna at approximately 2:32 P. M., Sydney and Christopher 2:35 P. M., Jay 3:50 p. M.,
Daniel at approximately 2:41 P. M., A man at approximately 2:42 P. M., Michael 2:49 P. M., then Tanya and Paul at approximately 2:53 P. M. Please pray for each of them to serve God wholeheartedly. Special thanks to D for making the sandwiches!
Mariana prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 8:00 P. M. on Thursday, 6/29/23. Please pray for her to serve God wholeheartedly.
Albert G. and Jasper prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 11:30 A. M. and 12:00 P. M.,respectively, on Thursday, 6/29/23. Please pray for them to follow God wholeheartedly.
John prayed to receive Christ at approximately 3:53 P. M., Milton, and Jose at approximately 2:58 P. M., James at approximately 2:59 P. M., Christina at approximately 3:00 P. M., Lauren at approximately 3:07 P. M., Sillan at approximately 3:11 P. M., and Manuel at approximately 3:15 P. M., all on Sunday, 6/25/23. Please pray for them to follow God wholeheartedly!
Michael S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:32 A. M., on Saturday, 6/24/23. Please pray for him to follow God wholeheartedly.
Emma prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 4:55 P. M. on Friday, 6/23/23. Please pray for her to be right in the center of God’s will for her life.
Jeremy W. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:25 A. M. on Tuesday, 6/20/23. Please pray for him to truly follow God with all of his heart.
A man prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:20 P. M., Javier at approximately 3:25 P. M., Norma at approximately 3:30 P. M., Edward at approximately 3:40 P. M., Emmanuel
Nicholas 3:45 P. M.,
Ronald at approximately 3:50 P. M., and Alexia 4:00P. M., all on Sunday, 6/18/23. Please pray for each of them to follow God wholeheartedly.
Special thanks to D for praying and making the sandwiches!
Rebecca D. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:00 A. M. on Friday, 6/16/23. Please pray for her further establish and grow continually in her relationship with God.
Brian prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 5:30 P. M., Walter prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 7:20 P. M., both on Thursday, 6/15/23. Please pray for each of them to follow God wholeheartedly.
Bromley prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 6:00 P. M. on Wednesday, 6/14/23. Please pray for him to serve God wholeheartedly.
Matthew prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:39 P. M. on Sunday, 6/11/23. Please pray for him to serve God wholeheartedly.
Justin accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 2:03 P. M., Ronnie received Jesus into his heart at approximately 2:06 P. M., Chris prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 2:08 P. M. On Sunday, 6/11/23. Francis and Tania 2:15, A man at approximately 2:16 P. M., Keith at approximately 2:18 P. M., Warren at the 2:20 P. M., Desarai at approximately 2:23 P. M., and Bryan at approximately 2:31 P. M., Bryan prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:22 P. M., Walter at approximately 1:25 P. M., Scott at approximately 1:30 P. M., William at approximately 1:40 P. M., all on Sunday, 6/11/23. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God. Special thanks to D for making the sandwiches!
Nicholas A. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A. M. on Thursday, 6/8/23. Please pray for him to grow
continually in his relationship with God.
Michael S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:55 A. M. on Tuesday, 6/6/23. Please pray for him to be on fire for Jesus.
Kevin prayed to receive Christ into his heart at 2:24 P. M. Please pray for him to fall more and more in love with God continually.
Freddie prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1;05 P. M., Malik at approximately 1:08 P. M., James and John at approximately 1:11 P. M.,Daniel at approximately 1:16 P. M., Cheval at 1:18 P. M., Bob and David at approximately 1:35 P. M., and a lady at approximately 1:37 P. M., Patrick and Jenna atò approximately 1:40 P. M., all on Sunday, 6/4/23. Please pray for each of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Roberto C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:00 A. M. on Saturday 6/3/23. Please pray for him love and follow God with all of his heart.
Russell W. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11 :30 A. M. on Friday, 6/2/24. Please pray for him to follow God wholeheartedly.
John prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 5:00 P. M. on Wednesday, 5/31/23. Please pray for him to follow God wholeheartedly.
Maria prayed to accept Christ into her heart at approximately 5:25 P. M., Julie prayed to receive Christ into heart at approximately 6:10 P. M., both on Monday, 5:29/23. Please pray for each of them to follow God wholeheartedly.
Verse of the Day:
Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.”
–John 11:25
Cathy prayed to receive Christ into her heart at the 1:14 P. M., Jim, 12:35 P. M., Irving, at approximately 12:47 P. M., Sarah, at approximately 12:50 P. M., Cassandra at approximately 12:53 P. M., Jeremy at approximately 1:04 P. M., 1 person (name?) at approximately 1:00 P. M., Preston 1:12 P. M., Lauren and.
Reanna at approximately 1:14 P. M., Jaramy, at 1:33 P. M., Ashley and Maria, at 1:43 P. M., and Son, at 146 P. M., all on Sunday, 6/38/P. M. Please pray for each of them to follow God with all their hearts.
Conner F. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 3:00 P. M. on Saturday, 5/27/23. Please pray for him to rely totally on God for everything.
Patrick G. prayed to accept Christ into his heart❤️ at approximately 3:00 P. M. on Thursday, 5/25/23. Please pray for him to become a mighty warrior for God.
Michael and David prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 12:53 P. M., Kevin at approximately 1:05 P. M., Brad at approximately 1:20 P. M., Trey at approximately 1:44 P. M., Timothy at approximately 1:51 P. M., “Melanie” (may be a man) at approximately 2:03 P. M., Ryan and Kyle at approximately 2:27 P. M., all on Sunday, 5/21/23. Please pray for them to live wholeheartedly for God.
Katy prayed to receive Christ at approximately 3:40 P. M., Michaela prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:20 P. M., and Joersey prayed at approximately 7:04 P. M. all on Friday, 4/19/23. Please pray for each of these ladies to love and serve God with all of their hearts.
Casey prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 12:00 P. M. on Thursday, 5/18/23. Please pray for her to serve God wholeheartedly.
Korinne prayed to receive Christ into her into her heart at approximately 9:45 A. M., Dalva prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately
10:00 A. M., both on Wednesday, 5/17/23. Please pray for each of these ladies to serve God wholeheartedly.
Bobby prayed to receive Christ into his heart at 11:18 A. M., Kyle, at 11:26 A. M., Michael (Michael said that he had already reveived Christ) Daniel at 11:45 A. M., Stephanie, Peter, Nicholino, and Jamie at 11:50 A. M., Troy at 11:54 A. M., Ocho, at 11:56 A. M., Damarey, at 12:02 P. M., Earl, at 13:04 P. M., and Svetlana at 12:07 P. M., all on Sunday, 5/14/23. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God with all of their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Special thanks to Lady D. for helping so much to win these precious souls into the Kingdom of God).
Brendan H. A. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Friday, 5/12/23 at approximately 8:00 A. M. Please pray for him to love and follow God with all of his heart. ?️♥️
Brian L. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 8;00 A. M. on Thursday, 5/10/23. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Siobhan G. prayed to receive the Christ into her heart at approximately 10:30 A. M. on Tuesday, 5/9/23. Please pray for her to be delivered from drugs forever and to follow God with all of her heart.
Joseph L. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:00 A. M., Seth O. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 11:00 A. M. both on Saturday, 5/6/23. Please pray for each of them to be forever freed from the use of drugs and to fall more and more in love with God.
Brian M. prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 3:30 P. M. on Wednesday, 5/3/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Sandra prayed to accept Jesus into her heart at approximately 5:20 P. M., Melissa and Nevaeh received Jesus into their hearts at approximately 5:30 P. M., and Janet prayed to accept Christ into her heart at approximately 5:45 P. M., on 4/29/23,
all while at Walmart. Please pray for them to follow God with all of their hearts.
Justin prayed to recommit his life to Christ at approximately 8:00 A. M., Michaela prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 10:00 A. M., Robert prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 6:00 P. M. all on Friday, 4/28/23. Please pray for each of them to be in the center of God’s will for their lives.
Vanessa prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:40 A. M., John M. accepted Jesus into his heart at approxately 2:40 P. M., both on Thursday, 4/27/23. Please pray for them to be right in the center of God’s will for their lives.
Michael O. Prayed to receive Christ into heart at approximately 2:30 P. M. on Saturday, 4/22/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Christopher B. and Richard S. Prayed, respectively, at approximarely 7:25 and 7:45 A. M. to accept Christ in their hearts. Please pray for each of these men to follow God wholeheartedly. ♥️?️
Alia A. D. prayed to accept Jesus into her heart at
approximately 10:30 A. M., Colleen M. prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 11:05 A. M. both on Thursday, 4/20/23. Please pray for her to follow God wholeheartedly.
Jennifer M. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at the 8:40 A. M. on Thursday, 4/20/23. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart
Archie H. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:45 A. M. and Richard S. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 10:25 A. M., both on Tuesday, 4/18/23. Please pray for them to serve God forever.
Josie prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:15 A. M., Hilton and Jerome prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 11:25 A. M., then Mike and David prayed accept Jesus into their hearts at approximately 11:35 A. M. all on Sunday, 4/16/23. Please pray for them to follow God wholeheartedly.
Cathy L. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at 11:45 A. M. on Thursday, 4/13/23. Please pray for her to live in the center of God’s will forever.
Mona accepted Christ into her heart at approximately 5:25 P. M. on Tuesday, 4/11/23. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
Gregory H. (at approximately 8:00 A. M. ) Adrian A. (at approximately 9:00 A. M.) and Mark (at approximately 11:40 A. M.), on Tuesday, 4/11/23, all prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of these men to follow God with all of their hearts.
Andrea prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 7:50 P. M. on Thursday, 4/6/23. Please pray for her to fall more and more in love with Jesus continually.
Kelsey prayed to accept Christ into her heart at approximately 2:20 PM. on Thursday, 4/6/23. Please pray for her to be a drug freed powerhouse servant of the Most High God forever.
Cassandra prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:45 A. M. on Sunday, 4/2/23. Please pray for her to follow God wholeheartedly.
On Friday, 3/31/23, Salene B. accepted Christ into her heart at approximately 8:00 A. M. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of her heart.
Ryan B. prayed to accept Christ into his heart on Thursday 3/30/23 at approximately 8:45 A. M., William M. prayed on the same day at approximately 10:45 A. M. to accept Christ into his heart
Please pray for each of them to follow God with deep commitment.
Sheila prayed to accept Christ into her heart at approximately 11:45 A. M. on Friday, 3/17/23. Please pray for her to follow God wholeheartedly and to be delivered from drugs forever.
At approximately 9:00 A. M., on Friday, 3/17/23 Richard S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
On Thursday, 3/16/23 at approximately 7:00 A. M. Roy prayed to receive Jesus into his heart. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Patty prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 2:30 P. M. on Monday, 3/6/23. Please for her to be in the center of God’s will for her life.
At approximately 3:40 P. M. on Monday, 3/6/23 Jennifer prayed to receive Christ in her heart. Please pray for her to serve God wholeheartedly.
Yanina prayed to receive Christ into
her heart at approximately 5:30 P. M. on Monday, 3/6/23. Please pray for her serve God with all of her heart.
Jose prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 7:00 A. M. on Saturday, 3/11/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart. Also, Fredys U. and Julio P. both prayed to receive Christ at approximately 1:50 P. M. on Saturday, 3/11/23. Please pray for them to follow God with all of their hearts.
Rachelle prayed to receive Christ and her heart at approximately 7:50 A. M. on Tuesday, 3/14/23. Please pray for her to follow God wholeheartedly.
Maria prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 10:00 A. M. on Wednesday, 3/8/23. Please pray Romans 8:28 for her.
Jose prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:20 P. M. on Sunday, 3/5/23. Please pray for him to serve God wholeheartedly.
Tammy and Mike prayed to receive into their hearts at approximately 12:00 P.M., John prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:24 P. M., all on Saturday, 3/4/23. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Eileen prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:00 P. M. on Friday, 3/3/23. Please pray for her to serve God with all of her heart.
David G. accepted Christ the into his heart at approximately 9:15 A. M. on Friday, 3/3/23. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Lisa accepted Christ into her heart at approximately 6:00 P. M. on Thursday, 3/2/23. Please pray for her to be right in the center of God’s will for her life.
Gayle prayed to accept Christ into her heart on Wednesday, 2/22/23 at approximately 5:50 P. M. Please pray for her to be right in the center of God’s will for her life.
Nicholas T. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 11:40 A. M. on Saturday, 2/18/23. Please pray for him to follow God wholeheartedly.
Juan prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:00 A. M. on Saturday, 2/11/23. Please pray for him to follow God wholeheartedly.
James R. prayed to
receive Christ into his heart on Wednesday, 2/8/23 at approximately 9:11 A. M., Dwane prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 12:31 P. M. Please pray for each of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Assad and Wellington both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 8:30 A. M. on Friday, 1/27/23. Please pray for these men to follow God wholeheartedly.
Devere prayed to receive Christ into his heart ❤️ at approximately 4:25 P. M. on Friday, 1/13/23. Please pray for him to be right in the center of God’s will for his life.
Ava prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:00 A. M. on Monday, 1/9/23. Please pray for her to be right in the center of God’s will for her life.
Lisa prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 2:25 P. M. on Tuesday, 1/3/22. Please pray for her to be a bold witness for Jesus and for God to meet all of her needs continually.
Melvin G. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:45 P. M. on Thursday, 12/29/22. Please pray that his life lines up with God’s Word.
On Monday, 12/26/22 at approximately 12:00 P. M., Omaila (31 years old) prayed to receive Christ into her heart, and on the same day, Nalini (15 years old) prayed to receive Christ into her ❤️ heart at approximately 1:30 P. M. Please pray for each of these young ladies to love and serve God with all of their hearts and lead many to Christ.
John and Charles both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts ? at approximately 12:00 P. M. on Saturday, 12/24/22. Please pray for them to love and serve God wholeheartedly forever.
Linda accepted Jesus into her heart on Sunday, 12/18/22 at approximately 10:00 A. M., Thomas received Christ into his heart on Monday, 12/19/22 at approximately 3:00 P. M. Please pray for both of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Fred just prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately4:48 P. M. on Wednesday, 11/9/22. Please pray for God’s perfect will to be done in his life.
Eric prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:00 P. M. on Saturday, 10/29/22. Please pray for him to love and serve God with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Stephen prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 4:45 P. M. on Saturday, 10/29/22. Please pray for him to read and follow the Word of God continually.
Cira accepted Jesus into her heart at approximately 10:50 A. M. on Monday, 10/24/22. Please pray for her to love and follow God with all of her heart, soul (mind), and strength.
Mayner (pronounced – myner) prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:40 P. M. on Thursday, 10/20/22. Please pray for God’s perfect will to be done in his life.
Milyck prayed to accept Christ into her heart at approximately 3:20 P. M. on Tuesday, 10/18/22. Please pray for God’s will to be done in her life.
Sasha prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 3:30 P. M. on Monday, 9/12/22. Please pray for her to be used mightily by God.
On Wednesday, 9/7/22 Jose A. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A. M., on Friday, 9/9/22 Jaline Y. received Jesus into his heart at approximately 7:30 A. M. Please pray for each of these men to follow God with all of their hearts.
Lee prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:00 P. M., and Carol prayed the sinners prayer at approximately 6:20 pm, both on Friday, 9/2/22. Please pray for both of them to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
Joshua prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:45 P. M. on Tuesday, 8/30/22. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Thomas Jr. accepted Christ into his heart as he was coming into Walmart at approximately 8:15 P. M., Kathy (Walmart employee) accepted Jesus into her heart at approximately 8:30P. M., both on 8/20/22. Please pray for each of them to follow Christ wholeheartedly.
Martin prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:45 P. M. on Tuesday, 8/9/22. Please pray for him to live out the life God designed for him.
Eric, Jackie’s son, prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:45 A. M. on Tuesday, 8/9/22. Please pray for him to serve God with his whole heart.
Rossilino (Rossi) and Maria accepted Christ into their hearts at approximately 11:00 and 11:10 A. M., respectively, on Monday, 7/25/22. Please pray for them to follow Jesus with all of their heart(s).
Matthew P. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:25 P. M. on Thursday, 6/30/22. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Also, please pray for his daughter to be healed.
Hi everyone.
Joane, worker at Home Depot, prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:50 P. M. on Thursday, 6/16/22. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Christopher N. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:00 P. M. on Tuesday, 6/14/22. Please pray for him to be free from bondage to drugs. Also, for him to follow God with all of his heart.
John C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:55 P. M. on Saturday, 6/11/22. Please pray for him to serve God forever.
At approximately 7:30 A. M. on Wednesday, 6/8/22., Israel C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Eddy F. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:00 A. M. on Tuesday, 6/7/22. Please pray for him to be faithful and obedient to the Word of God so that he will continually receive God’s best for his life.
Joshua, a young Jewish man, prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 6:30 p.m. on 5/28/22. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Anna prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 12:00 P. M. on Monday, 5/23/22. Please pray for her to be delivered from drugs and to serve God forever.
Shelsy just prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 9:37 A. M. on Monday, 5/16/22. Please pray for her to follow God continually.
On Sunday, 5/15/22 while D was giving clothing items to the homeless this writer prayed with Richard to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:50 A. M., in addition, DJ and Christina prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 10:55 A. M. Please pray for them to follow God with all of their hearts.
On Thursday, 5/5/22
at approximately
1:30 p.m. Gary prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to serve God with all of his being.
Love prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 10:54 A. M. on Sunday, 5/1/22. Please pray for her to be a powerfully loyal servant of our Most High God.
Brian prayed the sinner’s prayer at approximately 9:44 A. M. on Tuesday, 4/26/22. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with Jesus.
Andrea prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 7:00 P. M. on Friday, 4/15/22. Please pray for her to be in God’s eternal will for her life.
Francisco prayed to accept Jesus into his heart at approximately 11:40 A. M. on Tuesday, 4/12/22. Please pray for him grow continually in his relationship with God.
Imagine that!
God used me to lead Deondra in the sinner’s prayer on Monday, 4/11/22 at approximately 11:01 A. M. Please pray for her to serve Jesus forever. AND IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER HE WANTS TO USE YOU TO WIN SOULS TOO!
On Saturday, 4/9/22 at approximately 1:47 P. M. Jeremiah T. prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to follow God forever.
Cullen B. prayed to receive Jesus into his heart on Tuesday, 3/29/22 at approximately 1:00 P. M. Please join for him to love and serve God with all of his heart.
Brian prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 4:55 P. M. on Friday, 3/18/22. Please pray for him serve God with his whole heart.
Thomas prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:50 P. M. on Tuesday, 3/15/22. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
At approximately 12:00 noon on Monday, 3/7/22 David prayed to receive Christ into his heart at Walmart. Please pray for him to continually grow in his relationship with God.
On Monday, 2/22/22, at approximately 3:50 P. M. Candy prayed to receive Christ into her heart. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
At approximately 6:25 P. M. on Wednesday, 2/16/22 Nelson prayed to accept Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to be completely delivered from Marijuana and to live out the rest of his life surrendered to Jesus.
Alberto accepted Christ into his heart of on Saturday, 1/15/22 at approximately 1:00 P. M. Please pray for him to grow deeper and deeper in his relationship with God.
Kiana prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 4:42 P. M. on Monday, 1/3/22. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Elizabeth, the bus driver, prayed to receive Christ the into her heart at approximately 3:51 P. M. on 12/28/21. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
James prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:00 P. M. on Thursday, 12/23/21. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of his heart.
Lernado P. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:20 A. M. on Saturday, 12/18/21. Please pray for him to grow into a mighty man of God.
Charles (inside of Walmart) prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 4:45 P. M. on Thursday, 12/16/21. Please pray for him to grow into a continually deeper relationship with God.
Paula prayed for receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:00 A. M. on Monday, 12/13/21. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Steven prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 4:45 P. M. on Friday, 12/10/21. Please pray for him to get to know God better and better throughout eternity.
Donika prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 4:25 P. M. on Saturday, 12/4/21. Please pray for her to fall deeper and deeper in love with God continually.
Brian, the plumber, received Christ into his heart at approximately 9:40 A. M. on Wednesday, 12/1/21. Please pray that he follows God with all of his heart.
Kalorraine prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 3:50 P. M. on Wednesday, 11/24/21. Please pray for her to fall in love ever increasingly with God.
Danielle prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 12:30 P. M. on Monday, 11/22/21. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Brandon accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 3:30 P. M. on Sunday, 11/21/21. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Kimberly prayed to recommit her life to Christ at approximately 2:20 P. M. on Monday, 11/15/21. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
At approximately 1:00 P. M. On Sunday, 11/7/21Heather prayed to receive Christ into her heart. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Marisa prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 4:10 P. M. on Thursday, 10/21/21. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Sherron prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:30 A.M. on Monday, 10/18/21. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
On 10/14/21, Joury C. prayed at approximately 9:10 A. M. to accept Christ into his heart, also Miguel L. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 1:30 P.M. on this same day. Please pray for each of us to grow continually in their relationships with God.
Ismael I. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:30 A. M., Carla accepted Christ into her heart at approximately 6:45 P.M., both on Tuesday, 9/14/21. Please pray for each of them love and serve God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Scot prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 6:30 P.M., John, Anna, and Frank accepted Christ into their hearts at approximately 11:00 P.M. all on 8/30/21. Please pray for each of them to love and serve God with all of their hearts.
John prayed to the receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:30 A.M. on Thursday, 8/19/21. Please pray for him to love and serve God with all of his heart.
Joseph prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:00 A.M., Angelia accepted Christ into her heart at approximately 10:00 A.M., both on Wednesday, 8/18/21. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in obedience and relationship with God.
Miguel C. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 8:30 A. M. on Friday, 8/14/21. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
0n the 27th of July at approximately 9:15 A.M. Clifford prayed to receive Christ into his heart. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of his heart and to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Stephen R. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:30 A.M. on Thursday, 7/8/21. Please pray for him to serve God with all of his heart.
Douglas prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 1:45 P.M. on Tuesday,7/6/21. Please pray for him grow continually in his relationship with God.
On Thursday,7/1/21 Nathaniel prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 10:30 A.M., about 40 other people received Christ at approximately 11:15 A.M., and Todd accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 1:00 P.M. (all on the same day). Please pray for each of them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Sean M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:10 A.M. on Wednesday, 6/30/21. Please pray for him to serve God all the days of his life.
Christopher F. and Brandon F. both prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, 6/24/21. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationship(s) with God.
Nicholas B. prayed to recommit his life to Christ at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday, 6/17/21. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Fortunato A. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Tuesday,6/15/21 at approximately 11:30 A.M. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Lisa prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 5:40 P.M. on Saturday, 6/5/21. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Devin prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:25 A.M. on Thursday, 6/3/21. Please pray for him to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Adriana prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 6/2/21. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God.
Scot D. prayed to receive the Christ into his heart at approximately 10:30 A.M. on Wednesday, 5/26/21. Please pray for him to serve God with all of his heart.
Grady F. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at 12:07 P.M. on Sunday, 5/9/21. Please pray for him to love and serve God with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Sandro D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:00 A.M. on Friday, 5/7/21. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of his heart.
Sean S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:30 A.M. on Tuesday, 5/4/21. Please pray for him to serve God with all of his heart.
On Sunday, 5/2/21, at approximately 2:00 P.M. Lee (grandmother) and Sophia (granddaughter) prayed to accept Christ into their hearts. Please pray for each of them to serve God forever.
At approximately 8:45 A.M. on Wednesday, 4/22/21, Benny F. prayed to accept Jesus into his heart. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Edwin (a tax preparer) received Christ into his heart at approximately 11:30 A.M., on 4/19/21. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
On the basis of not being certain of whether Jesus is who the Bible says he is Thomas M. prayed from the position, “If Jesus is the Son of God,” (of course we know that he is) as he proceeded to pray to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 2:50 P.M. on Tuesday, 4/13/21. Brianna prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:30 P.M. on Tuesday, 4/13/21. Please pray that both of them would grow continually in love and relationship with God.
Francis A. accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 10:40 A.M. on Friday, 3/12/31. Please pray him serve God with all of his heart.
At approximately 10:10 A.M., Dat N. Prayed to the Christ into his heart. Mark prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 4:30 P.M., both on 3/11/21. Please pray for each them to grow continually in their relationship(s) with God.
Chad B. accepted Christ into heart at approximately 10:45 A.M. on Saturday, 2/27/21. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart continually.
Tony prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 5:10 P.M. on Thursday, 12/10/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Thomas prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:53 PM on Sunday, 11/29/20. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Emmanuel prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 5:30 P.M. on Friday, 11/13/20. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Dawan J. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:30 A.M. on Thursday, 10/22/20. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of his heart.
Kevin M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, 10/15/20. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Tina prayed to receive Christ at approximately 3:50 P.M., Isaiah prayed at approximately 6:52 P.M. both on 10/11/20. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
On 10/9/20 at approximately 6:20 P.M. Xaydin (a boy), and at approximately 6:25 P.M. Adryana, and Zola (2 girls)(young children) all prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Please pray for them to grow continually in their relationships with God.
William M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Wednesday, 10/7/20 at approximately 9:30 A.M. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Gordon P. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 9/30/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Mark J. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:15 A.M. Joshua C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:00 P.M., both on Saturday, 9/26/20. Please pray for both of them to follow God for eternity and to grow in their relationships with God continually. Lony prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:00 P.M. on Thursday, 9/24/20. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart. Letty prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 9/22/20. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart. Mary prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 5:10 PM on Wednesday, 9/16/20. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of her heart and to continually grow in her relationship with God. Joseph accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 8:55 A.M. on Monday, 9/14/20. Please pray for him to follow up with the information that was given to him. This will ensure his growth in the Lord. Willie prayed to accept Jesus into his heart at approximately 5:30 P.M. Please pray for him love, seek, and serve God continually with all of his heart. Maria prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 7:25 P.M. on Thursday, 8/27/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God. Claire prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 1:10 P.M. on Monday, August 17, 8/17/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God. Sharon C. accepted Christ into her heart at approximately 12:30 P.M. on Sunday, 8/16/20. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of her heart. Larissa F. Prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Wednesday, 8/5/20, at approximately 10:00 P.M. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God. Amanda prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 6:30 PM on Sunday, 7/26/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God. John R. prayed to recommit his heart to Jesus on Saturday, 7/25/20 at approximately 10:00 A. M. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Robert B. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:50 P.M. on Tuesday, 7/21/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. On Tuesday, 6/23/20, at approximately 7:45 P.M., Shurland prayed to receive Jesus into his heart. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Kathleen prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:40 A.M. on Sunday, 6/21/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God. Eric M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, 6/13/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Tommy G. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 6/9/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. A man who calls himself “Fireshoot,” prayed to accept Jesus into his heart at approximately 4:00 P.M. on Friday, 6/5/20. Please pray him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Meladee, Daniel, Majestee, Jaevianna, and Jaylani (children) all prayed to accept Jesus into their hearts at approximately 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 6/4/20. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships with God. Helen, in Romania, received Jesus into her heart at approximately 4:46 P.M. on Monday, 5/18/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in their relationship with God. Michael prayed to receive Christ into his heart on at approximarely 10:00 A.M., James accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 10:15 A.M., and Ladi received Jesus into her heart at approximately 12:10 P.M. all on Sunday, 5/17/20. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationships(s) with God. Steven C. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:40 P. M. on Tuesday, 5/12/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Melvin A.B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 4:00 P.M. on Friday, 5/9/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. APPROXIMATION: Petrina prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 5/5/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God. Ezequiel A. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:40 P.M. on Tuesday, 4/28/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Yared O. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, 4/18/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Tekla prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 4:20 P.M. on Wednesday, 4/15/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in her relationship with God. Nicholas Z. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:25 P.M. on Wednesday, 4/8/20. Please pray for him to grow so profoundly in his relationship with God. John H. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:50 P.M. on Saturday, 3/14/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Jeffrey prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:50 A.M. on Saturday, 2/29/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. We have prayed his healing from paralysis. You can agree in prayer. Thank you! Vaughn M. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:15 P.M. on Saturday, 2/8/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Shawn D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 1/22/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Norman H. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:15 P.M. on Saturday, 1/18/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Raisa prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 5:40 P.M. on Thursday, 1/16/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Holly prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 8:55 A.M. on Wednesday, 1/15/20. Please pray for her to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Diego L. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:55 A.M. on Wednesday, 1/15/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Joshua D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:55 P.M. on Tuesday, 1/14/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Timothy J. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:53 P.M. on Thursday, 1/2/20. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Joshua prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, Christmas Day, 12/25/19. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Kenneth Y. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:40 A.M. on Wednesday, 12/12/19. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Jose B. excepted the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart at approximately 12:15 on Thursday, 11/21/19. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Zephas F. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:30 P.M. on Wednesday, 11/13/19. Please pray for him to follow God continually with all of his heart.
Phillip prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:05 A.M. on Tuesday, 11/12/19. Please pray for him to follow God continually with all of his heart.
Vincent prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 6:30 P.M.. on Friday, 11/8/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Brianna prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 5:30 P.M. on Saturday, 11/2/19. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of her heart, to honor her parents, and be mightily used by God.
Mrs. Prichett prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 5:45 P.M.. on Monday, 10/28/19. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
Lisa, Chad, Ricardo, and Katelyn each prayed to receive Christ into their hearts between approximately 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. Please pray for each of them to grow continuously in their relationships with God.
Steven G. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:00 P.M.. on Saturday, 10/12/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Jonathan O. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, 10/8/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Eric D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:30 A.M. on Friday, 10/4/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Diego L. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:35 A.M. on Thursday, 10/3/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Evan P. prayed to receive Christ into his heart (although he said that he was praying in, “his head ” – did not pray out loud) at approximately 7:45 A.M. on Wednesday, 10/2/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Luke recommitted his heart to Jesus at approximately 7:40 A.M.
Please pray for him to live stronger for the Lord than ever before.
Kimberly prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 1:10 p.m. on Sunday, 9/22/19. Please pray for her to live holy for eternity.
Ilene prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 12:05 P.M. Please pray for her to love and serve God with all of her heart.
Francina G. prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 2:00 P.M. on Sunday, 9/8/19. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
Christopher A. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:20 A.M. on Wednesday, 9/4/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Scott prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A.M. on Monday, 9/2/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Robert L. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:20 A.M. on Friday, 8/30/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Jordan prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:25 P.M. on Tuesday, 8/27/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Christopher and Julie (husband and wife)prayed to receive Christ into their hearts at approximately 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, 8/25/19. Please pray for them to follow God with all of his heart.
Tomango B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 8/20/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Joachim prayed to recommit his life to Christ at approximately 5:00 P.M. on Sunday, 8/19/29. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
1. Bernardo B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:50 A.M. on Thursday, 8/15/19. 2. Hung N. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:20 A.M. on 8/15/19. Please pray for each of them to grow continually in their relationship with God.
Tiffany prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 10:00 A.M. on Saturday, 8/10/19. Please pray for her to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Brett C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:28 A.M. on 8/7/19. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Oscar C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:02 P.M. on Saturday, 8/3/19. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Terrance J. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:50 A.M. on 7/18/19. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Two 12 year old young men by the names of Kyng and Esmeldi prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on 7/16/19 at approximately 4:45 P. M. Please pray for them to follow up with the directions which were given to them. This will ensure their growth in the Lord.
Bernardo B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 9:12 A.M. on Saturday, 6/22/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Ramon P. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, 6/22/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Willie W prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:36 A.M. on Thursday 6/20/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Oscar C. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:15 A.M. on Friday, 6/14/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Robert G. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 2:15 P.M. on Thursday, 6/13/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Paul V. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:50 P.M. on Monday, 6/12/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart
Mike prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:47 P.M. on Monday, 6/10/19. Please pray for him to follow God
with all of his heart.
Brandon D. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:00 A.M. on Friday, 6/7/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Troy B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 11:00 A.M. on Friday, 5/31/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Richard prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 3:15 P.M. on Wednesday, 5/29/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Sean K. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 10:30 A.M. on Sunday, 5/19/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Linda prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:57 A.M. on Thursday, 5/16/19. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
Loretta prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:15 A.M. on Monday, 5/13/19. Please pray for her to follow God with all of her heart.
Christopher prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:30 A. M. on Saturday , 5/11/19. Shaunta prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 10:15 A. M. on Saturday, 5/11/19. Please pray for each of them to follow God with all of their hearts.
Frank prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 1:25 P. M. on Thursday, 5/9/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Lehi prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 12:48 P. M. on Saturday, 5/4/19. Please pray for him to follow God with all of his heart.
Colton prayed to receive Christ into her heart at approximately 11:00 P. M. on Saturday, 4/27/19. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of her heart.
Ryan S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 7:25 A.M. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Robert B. prayed to accept Christ into his heart at approximately 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, April 4th, 2019. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Jose B. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Thursday, February 7th at approximately 9:45 A.M. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
Mayner F. Prayed to receive Christ into his. heart at approximately 11;00 A.M. on Tuesday, 1/15/19. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of his heart.
Jeremy Y. Prayed to receive Christ into his. heart at approximately 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, 1/8/19. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of his heart.
Anthony C. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:50 A.M. on Thursday, 1/3/19. Please pray for him to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
Julien received Christ into his heart at approximately 8:50 PM on Thursday, 12/27/18. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God. Please Jessica prayed to accept Christ into her heart on Thursday, 12/27/28 at approximately 8:13 PM. Please pray for her to grow so strong in her relationship with God.
Ryan A. Accepted Christ into his heart at approximately 9:40 A.M., Lizzete accepted Jesus
Into her heart at approximately 7:20 PM., both on Thursday, 12 /27/18. Please pray for each of them to follow Jesus with all of their hearts.
Peter prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Sunday, December 23rd at approximately 9:55 A.M. Lisa prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Thursday, December 6th at approximately 1:10
PM. Lisa prayed to accept Christ into her
heart at approximately 4:30 PM on Monday, December 24th.
Kenneth W. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart at approximately 8:40 A.M. on 12/25/18. Please pray for each of them to follow Jesus with all of their heart(s
William S. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Thursday, December 6th at approximately 1:10
PM. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
Timothy G. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Friday, November 16th at approximately 9:40 AM. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
Shelton prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Saturday, November 10th at approximately 3:00 PM. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
Elisabeth prayed to receive Christ into her heart on Friday, November 9th at approximately 12:45 PM. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
Latoya prayed to receive Christ into her heart on sunday, November
4th at approximately 2:15 PM. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
Latoya prayed to receive Christ into her heart on sunday, November
4th at approximately 2:15 PM. Please pray for her to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
Erick prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Wednesday, October
3rd at approximately 2:00 PM. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
James M. Prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Thursday, September 13th at approximately 8:30 AM. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of His heart.5th
Prayed Thomas O. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Tuesday, September 4th at approximately 11:15 AM. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of His heart
Malik H. prayed to receive Christ into his heart on Thursday day, August 30th at approximately 8:30 AM. Please pray for him to follow Jesus with all of His heart.
Torin T. prayed to receive CHRIST into his heart on Saturday, 8/24/18 at approximately 3:30 pm. Please pray for him to grow continually in his relationship with God.
VERA prayed to receive CHRIST into her heart on Saturday, 8/18/18 at approximately 12:30 pm. Please pray for her to grow continually in her faith.
David and Michael prayed to receive Christ at approximately 11:15 A.M. on Tuesday, 8/7/18. Please pray for each of these men to follow the directions given to them. This will ensure their growth in the Lord.
Olage and Terrance prayed to receive Christ into their hearts on Saturday, 7/14/18 at approximately 6:35 P.M . Please pray for each of these young men to follow Christ with reckless abandon.
Sebastian accepted Christ into his heart on Monday, 7/16/18 at approximately 5:50 P.M. Please pray for him to follow up with the information which was given to him. This will ensure his growth in the Lord.